Don’t let those monthly financial responsibilities keep you from enjoying life. Take a break and skip your monthly loan payment with the GFCU Skip-A-Payment.
- With a low-cost fee, you will be able to skip your monthly loan payment to give yourself a break from your loan obligation.
- Request to skip your payment by downloading, completing and submitting attached form to:
- You will be notified with a confirmation within 1 to 2 business days of receiving your submission.
- Interest accrues at the set rate during scheduled skip.
- Limit of 2 skips per loan per calendar year.
- Skipped loan payment(s) will need to be paid at the end of loan term.
- Multiple loans may be skipped in a single month with submission of separate forms and fees for each loan.
- Mortgage payment and credit card payments are excluded.
Processing Fee: $45 (must be available in GFCU account prior to processing)
*Terms and conditions apply. May be subject to approval.*